Saturday, 9 July 2016


It doesn't sleep it's because it's so hot that nobody can sleep! haha

Summer time in Tel Aviv is summer time in Tel Aviv ... it rarely rain here in the summer months so temperatures are quite warm all day all night. It's around 35C all day and quite humid. It's so humid that there is a haze in the sky all day long. Thanks God it is located along the seashore.

Just came back from a long walk around the city after my afternoon nap to check out where is where.I must say Israelis love to hang out. You can find them in restaurants, bars, walking around, or biking around. You can also see lots of young families walking their kids and/or dogs. There are things for them to do along Rothschild St. one of the main boulovards in the city. I also noticed there are more cyclists on the road and parks mixed with cars and people everywhere in the city and along the beach. I saw a group of older men enjoying a rowdy game of boules. Cleverly they came up with a magnet tied to a string to pick up the balls without having to bend over to pick up.

That's it for the first day. Tulalu!

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